Wednesday 30 September 2009

Bagan Pinang

Yet another by-election, this time in Negeri Sembilan. The candidate for Barisan Nasional is none other than Tan Sri Isa Samad, the former Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar and one-time UMNO strongman.

The opposition will no doubt harp on the fact that Tan Sri Isa was suspended from UMNO for three years for money politics. In fact, it is probably the only local issue they can harp on, in addition to the usual bunch of standard issues they bring up all the time.

Yes, he was found guity of money politics. Yes, he was suspended from UMNO. Yes, he is a 'tainted' candidate if one wishes to say so. Yet why him? Because the people of Bagan Pinang want him. They simply love him. No, it is not just me saying that, it is not even BN, this was the result of a survey done by PAS themselves! Why? Because he is a man who goes down to the ground, who mixes with the people, who genuinely helps the people.

According to one local voter who came to the candidacy announcement event, Tan Sri Isa is apparently good with names. He makes an extra effort to remember the names of people, some of whom he has only met once!

The opposition know they cannot beat this man. Not in Bagan Pinang. You can engineer a thousand by-elections in your strong areas, and claim that the 'tide is shifting' against BN, but we'll put a stop to your 'shifting tide' here. Once and for all.

The ONLY thing Pakatan Rakyat hopes to get from this election, is to publicize the fact that a 'tainted' candidate was fielded by UMNO. 'BN endorses corruption' they will say. Well, say what you want. That's about all PR seems to do. Talk. We've seen it in Kampung Buah Pala, and just about everywhere else. Just one thing, don't forget your supreme leader is an ex-convict, your Penang Chief Minister is an ex-convict, many of your MPs have spent time in prison and paid fines. So look at yourself first before talking about 'tainted' candidates.


asha iyengar said...

Dear Sir

Yes another by-election and honestly do the Indians care? I hope not..seriously. After the Kg Buah Pala and the cow head incidents....when both BN and PR stayed mum on way or another. I think P.Uthayakumar is right to say that Indian voters boycott this election.

Who cares if Isa wins or for that matter if the PAS candidate wins..will it makes any difference?

I guess MIC can go on harping that the Indians are coming back to BN's fold etc.
Well I dont know..maybe..not too sure about all that.
Are they returning to BN bcoz Najib doled out funds after funds directly without having to go through MIC? What does that tell?

Still MIC in no way can take credit for all the attention. The unsung of heroes of Nov 2007 Hindraf march and the subsequent political tsunami that followed, are the oens who deserve the credit.
They spoke when MIC cowered to UMNO.

MIC members can get all excited about this by-election and start throwing their support to their partner candidates....however the average Indians are still denied their basic rights here in Msia.

What have MIC done to date from the political tsunami of March 2008
win the hearts and minds of Indians?

I'll tell you - NOTHING.


Asha Iyengar

M.Siva said...


Frankly, who gives a damn about this another circus in town. The only reason Isa got Indian votes is because of the 'ang pow' given to them. These Indians are a disgrace to our generation. They are like goats. Isa was found guilty of corruption and yet you guys are supporting him including you. What good lesson are you teaching your children? Corruption is OK? Corruption is good?

Prem, MIC is fighting a loosing battle. UMNO are laughing at you guys. I was in the MIC and I saw for myself how corrupted the leaders were then and how they tried to step on each other to go up. You think MIC leaders care about the people? Think again! Start with how many Indians in the government services? What about entrance to the universities each year? What about the SMI loans that government has promised to small traders? Do u want me to go?

I feel pity for educated guys like you. You can do more as a non-political group than being used by MIC. Everyone is power crazy and selfish.

Take a good look around. Nobody cares about us if we donn't do something now. MIC is no longer relevant to Indians in Malaysia. We need an independant movement that really can fight for our rights.

Wake Up!